Coding And More

Generative AI
for Teaching and Learning

Unlock the power of Generative AI to enhance teaching and streamline school tasks! This beginner-friendly course is designed for teachers (grades K-12) and school staff, making AI easy to understand and apply in education. No prior experience needed—just curiosity and a willingness to explore!

Al for Good

At the World Economic Forum 2025 held at Davos, Coding & More was announced as an official training partner for 'Al for Good' programs under the Al Skills Coalition. The Al for Good initiative is led by ITU, the UN agency for Digital Technologies.

This initiative is focused on ensuring equal access to Al training opportunities worldwide.

At Coding and More, we are very passionate about bridging the Al skills gap and empowering individuals to use Al for positive impact. We can't wait to share our Al for Good education programs with student and schools from all over the world

Learning Outcomes

Analyze the fundamentals of AI to strategically integrate it into interdisciplinary learning in a responsible and ethical manner.

Apply AI tools to enhance professional productivity before, during, and after classroom instruction, ensuring streamlined and impactful teaching practices.

Create inclusive, student-centered lesson plans by leveraging generative AI tools to enhance engagement and personalized learning experiences.

Evaluate AI ethics, policies, and tools critically to make informed decisions about AI adoption in schools, ensuring transparent and equitable implementation.

Sign up -
AI for Teaching & Learning



Will I get a certificate?

Participants with minimum 70% attendance will get a certificate of participation. The certificates will be a joint certificate by AI for Good/ITU AI Skills Coalition and Coding & More.

What is the cost?

20$ + GST per hour